Category: Rings

  • Is it really gold? Learn how to find out if your ring is made of gold

    Is it really gold? Learn how to find out if your ring is made of gold

    Do you have gold jewelry at home that you’ve been gifted or have inherited? When we haven’t bought our gold jewelry ourselves, sometimes we wonder if it is really made of this noble material. We can sometimes find ourselves with pieces of jewelry that look like gold, but in reality they are made of another…

  • Choosing the perfect engagement Ring: easy guide

    Choosing the perfect engagement Ring: easy guide

    With so many options available, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed. Fear not! We’ve got you covered with a step-by-step guide on how to choose an engagement ring and ensure you make the right choice for that special someone. Set your budget  Before you get lost in the complicated world of engagement rings, it’s essential to…

  • How to get a ring off a swollen finger

    How to get a ring off a swollen finger

    Getting a ring off a swollen finger can be a real pain. Maybe you’ve accidentally jammed it on there, or perhaps your fingers have decided to throw a surprise party and swell up for no apparent reason. Regardless of the cause, we’ve got you covered with some quick and easy tricks on how to get…

  • How to combine rings for a unique look

    How to combine rings for a unique look

    We’ll teach you how to choose the appropriate model of rings, how to combine several rings, and what look to wear them with. Thanks to our tips, you will achieve a personalized style that reflects your personality. Let’s get started! What is Ring Stacking? You are bound to have heard of the infamous Ring Stacking.…

  • The meaning of the rings on your fingers

    The meaning of the rings on your fingers

      Trends such as these are subject to change over time, however one thing has remained constant over the centuries, and that is the significance associated with the rings on the fingers. Did you know that depending on the finger and hand on which you wear a ring, you could be transmitting one message or…

  • How to calculate ring size?

    How to calculate ring size?

    On the one hand, choosing a ring that symbolizes the union with another person and that goes with everything is no easy task. On the other hand, if you don’t know how to calculate the ring size, it could be too small or too big and be uncomfortable. Yes, rings come in sizes, just like…

  • What are the best rings to give as gifts?

    What are the best rings to give as gifts?

    Rings are a very special item of clothing, full of symbolism, which is given on specific occasions when you want to communicate something deep. What does it mean to give a ring to a woman? The most special occasion is the proposal of marriage, but a ring can also be given for family reasons, for…

  • Guide to choosing the ideal gold engagement ring

    Guide to choosing the ideal gold engagement ring

    The moment you’ve been waiting for has finally come: you’ve met the perfect woman and want to spend the rest of your life with her. What better way to commemorate this wonderful occasion than with the ideal engagement ring? It’s also no small matter: the proposal comes before the wedding, the reception, the dress, and…

  • Gold rings for women: why do they never go out of fashion?

    Gold rings for women: why do they never go out of fashion?

    Although trends in the world of jewelry are constantly changing and evolving, gold rings for women never go out of style. They are accessories that reinforce any look and bring elegance and sophistication. Any woman can wear a gold ring. They go perfectly with any skin color and fit any style, age and personality. Do…

  • Tips for choosing the ideal engagement ring for women

    Tips for choosing the ideal engagement ring for women

    Already decided on your new silver pendant? Regardless of your fashion sense, preferred color palette, or outfit. You can always find silver accessories at TOUS that match your preferences, way of life, and budget.  Any man can find it challenging to select the perfect engagement ring for the woman he loves. The two most significant…